Talking About Specialty FoodsTalking About Specialty Foods

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Talking About Specialty Foods

Hello, my name is Roger. Welcome to my website about specialty foods. When I was a young kid, I ate anything and everything without question. I loved all food and did not think that would ever change. Unfortunately, I started experiencing painful allergic reactions after eating certain ingredients. After going to the doctor, I learned I would need to be much more careful about the foods I eat each day. I started looking into specialty foods made without those offending ingredients and it instantly helped. I want to use this site to help other people find and enjoy specialty foods. Thanks.

3 Reasons to Buy Paleo Desserts

If you are looking for an excellent dessert option, then you should consider buying paleo desserts. This article will discuss three great reasons why. They Are a Healthier Dessert Alternative If you are trying to be healthier, but you absolutely love your desserts, than paleo desserts may be a good option for you. Paleo desserts are going to be created using natural ingredients, and they don't have any of the added sugar that most desserts do. Read More 

Suggestions For A Healthy High Tea

High tea and afternoon tea have been gaining in popularity in the United States as a way to spend an afternoon or early evening with friends, eating good food and getting a literal taste of a British tradition. The terms have led to some initial confusion; afternoon tea is the stereotypical small-cakes-and-finger-sandwiches event, while high tea is really an early evening meal meant to satisfy people after a hard day's work. Read More 

Building A Great Gift Basket For The Coffee Lover In Your Life

Do you have a friend or loved one in your life who is a true coffee aficionado? If you yourself aren't a big fan of coffee, buying a gift for that person might be tough. Here's a guide to designing a coffee-themed gift basket that will impress even the most serious of coffee snobs. Choosing Your Beans Pre-ground coffee, even if it is from a specialty brand, is not a good choice for the coffee lover in your life. Read More 

Five Good Ways To Use Leftover Pickle Juice

Americans consume more than 2.5 billion pounds of pickles annually. In fact, on average, 67 percent of American households eat pickles regularly, and the average American eats nine pounds of pickles every year. That's a lot of pickles! Kosher pickle brands are so delicious that it's easy to eat a whole jar (or more) quickly, leaving you with jars and jars of extra pickle juice. However, before you discard this tasty by-product, consider the many ways that you can use that juice to liven up your cooking. Read More 

Tips For Adding Beer Service To Your Food Truck

What two things do tacos, burgers, or pizza all have in common? They are all traditional food truck choices and they pair well with beer. Adding alcohol service to your food truck business can really add to your bottom line, especially if you often set up shop at festivals or near nightlife spots. The following tips can help you get set up and going with as few issues as possible. Read More